Monday, September 13, 2010

The 9/11 Attack

    Tuesday September 11th, 2001, started as just a normal day. It was around 8:00am when i arrived at work at the twin towers. The morning was slow in the office until 8:46am when my world almost came to an end. I heard the most excruciating sound from above, fallowed by a number of screams. The whole building shook intensely and not even a minute or two later everyone in the building were being evacuated. I had no clue what was going on until i finally escaped out of the building. The minute i looked back after running to a safe distance, my jaw dropped. The building i had been working in had been hit by an airliner about 10 stories above my office. Looking next to the building i had been in, the other twin tower had been hit by another airliner at the same level as my office would have been at. For the next two hours i watched the buildings come down and people being killed from Debree. September 11th was most defiantly a life changer.

1 comment:

  1. Good start, Kyle. Needs proofreading. Focus on diction and descriptive detail. Appeal to all five senses. Consider a simile and metaphor or two.
