Thursday, December 1, 2011

The Green Mile

The Green Mile

"Van Hay rolled on three and The Chief surged forward again,twisting a little from side to side in the grip of the current. When doc listened this time, he nodded. It was over."(pg.44)

At my house out in Kaleden, our family owns a few horses and we have a few boarder horses up in the field. The horses are all kept in by a small wire band that penatrates a small shock through the horses if they touch it. When it was first put up I was about 10 years old and had no clue about what it does. I was walking past it to the bus stop  one day and decided i'd feel it out since I was curious. I grabbed on with one hand and approxemetly 2 seconds later a quick peircing electric shock was fired into my hand and up my arm. That was as far as it got since I let go unable to deal with the pain. For some strange reason, it popped into my head making me curious to how awful it would be to sit in a jail cell for months just waiting to be sent into the room with an electric chair. That would not only shock you, but shock you so fiercly that it kills you. The people having this done to them must feel some sort of pain before being fried to death, and it's just hard to imagine that people actually go through that.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

It's an addiction

1. In “Public Display of Disaffection” by Anne Kingston, she talks about why cellphones are either good or bad. There are more bad points then good points in the article.  Three main points are that she talked about how “It’s an addiction, she says, one that puts personal and business relationships, both of which rely on making others feel valued, at risk” making it hard to communicate with friends without being distracted by your phone and making your friends mad at you, or mad that you don’t listen to them and it could make them feel like you don’t care.  Also she says that many people are “narcissistic multi-taskers holding up lineups” which you don’t need if you are in a hurry to buy something and leave and go somewhere else fast, and with “diners instagraming their entrees, dinner companions obsessively checking messages as if waiting to perform an organ transplant” all the time it is not a rule that you have to check your phone every time you get a message, some people could find it rude if you are eating dinner with them and you insist on sending someone a picture of your dinner, or if you are texting your other friends about whatever. You probably aren’t paying attention to who you are out for dinner with.   On a website called Retrevo they took a survey and found out that “10 percent of people under age 25 didn’t see anything wrong with texting during sex” which is kind of weird. I’m sure that the person you are having sex with someone they wouldn’t like you to be texting and not paying attention to them. It would be sort of awkward if someone started texting when they were having sex I think.
2. I agree that texting on your cellphone is addicting. I like to text and I always have my phone with me to text my friends. Sometimes I shouldn’t be on my phone and texting but I do anyway because it is so addicting, just because I feel like I always have to reply to my friends or sometimes my parents will text me and I reply to them. When people hold up lines because they are texting and don’t realize they are holding up people it makes me mad. If you can’t text and walk or pay attention and you are making other people wait you shouldn’t do it because people have things to do in the day. I don’t know if you should text during sex because it could make the other person feel really awkward and it seems sort of rude. If someone would let that I guess it would be okay, but I don’t know who would actually do that.
3.  Acceptable times to be on your phones  are when; you have no more important stuff to do, when no one is talking that you need to pay all your attention to, and when you are at home. Unacceptable times would be when; you are driving, at the movies, or when you are eating. 
I don’t think they should do the cellphone jams because that would suck that you wouldn’t be able to text your friends or family when you wanted to. It would make it a lot harder  to plan stuff like when your parents can’t pick up your siblings and they want you to they wouldn’t be able to ask you. It wouldn’t be cool if they did that because then I wouldn’t get to use my phone a lot and talk to my friends all the time.

Friday, September 9, 2011

    Having the superpower to go back in time comes in handy a lot.